No. 26 炎魂 (2) (有英文在下面)女孩的信心Girl's faith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (有些人的英文名字我不知道 就隨便給他一個名字 除了美達)失去自我的小綠 和充滿恨的海兒可A girl who lost herself, Liue, and a girl who permeate with hatred, Tina眼淚不停的流下 只是發抖The tears keep coming down, only tremble大家也很擔心 也不知道怎麼辦Everyone are all worry but no one know what to do 牙:為什麼會變成這樣?都是我!都是我!都是我!!!!我當初不應該讓Yi:why will this turn out like this? it's all my fault!it's all my fault!it's all my fault!!!before I shouldn't她離開我身邊的......let her go! 牙就跪下 掉下眼淚 用拳頭打地上Yi just kneel down tears coming down he use his fist hit the floor 大和:你不能怪自己 這不是你的錯Yamato :You can't blame yourself, its not your fault葛雷:對!這不是你的錯Gray:Ya!its not your fault布兒:可是看起來好像是你的錯......Bull:But its like look is your fault....小偉和小力:你為什麼不閉觜就好了!Wen and Li:Why don't you just shut up!小燕:小綠.....她好可憐......Terry:Liue......she's pool........貝妮:她是真的失憶了...Bany:She really did lost her member ...阿裘拉司:那海兒可呢?Akyuras:How about Tina?雪兒米拉:她.....好像想起甚麼了....Shellmila:I think.....she remember something....鐵之介:大家...........Max:people....... 突然海兒可說話 但是還是一直掉眼淚Suddenly Tina speak but still, tears coming down一直發抖.....and still tremble 海兒可:我家人都再騙我 事情不是這樣的....Tina:My family, they are lieing to me, its not like that....大和:妳是甚麼意思?Yamato :What do you mean?麗葉娜:應該是....Lienna:I think is....炎咒:不是講事實給海兒可聽?Enjyu:Not telling the truth to Tina?大家:..............Everybody:....................靜林:但是為什麼海兒可的父母不跟她說事實?Einlin:But why will Tina's parents not telling the truth to her?剛諾斯:我們要怎麼知道啊?Genose:How do we know?基亞:小綠妳能和我們說話嗎?Keyyi:Liue....can you talk to us?葛雷:你....並沒有失憶....對吧?Gray:You....didn't lost your member...are you?小燕:葛雷?你是甚麼意思?Terry:What do you mean?Gray?大和:ㄜ........你們....我好像知道葛雷是甚麼意思 guys...I know what Gray mean....鐵之介:你們快來!Max:Come on you people!!!貝妮:哇~~~她是在用忍術Bany:woh~~~she is using ninja thing雪兒米拉:小綠 妳為什麼要假裝妳失憶?Shellmila:Liue, why do you want to pretend that you lost your mind?阿裘拉司:她不想當舊的她Akyuras:She don't want to be the old her炎咒:你怎麼知道?Enjyu:How do you know?阿裘拉司:因為她事著要講啊!Akyuras:Because that's what she try to say!布兒:在甚麼時候?Bull:In what time?小偉:像她可以在她她頭腦裡說Wen:Like she can say it in her mind小力:哥哥!牙他好像不是很好....Li:Big brother!I don't think Yi feel all right... 其實小綠她很想講話 但是她不能Liue actually wanted to speak, but she can't大家都事著想一個辦法讓小綠變回來Everyone have to try to think something that can make Liue be ok 麗葉娜:哈!我想到一個辦法Lienna:AH!I've get an idea!大家:甚麼辦法?Everyone:What idea?麗葉娜:我們可以事著讓她變開心啊!Lienna:We can try to make her happy!大和:怎樣做?怎樣做?怎樣做?!!!!!!!!Tamato:How?How?How???????!!!!!!!!! 麗葉娜:ㄜ.......像.....你知道的? know?牙:我知道她是甚麼意思 我們可以戰鬥 還可以用很特別的方法Yi:I think I've get her, she means like we can make a battle place and battle with這樣她應該會變開心的special thing to make her happy again剛諾斯:那我們還等甚麼?我們開始吧!!Genose:than what are we waiting for?let's start!! 一天一天 第一天 第二天 第三天.......到第七天Days and days, the first day, the second day, the third day.....and the seventh day小綠變回了以前的她Liue came to be the real her ( the cute, kind, careful and cheerful her )大家都很高興everyone are all happy直到發生了一件事......until something happen...... 碰 ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!BEN~~~~~~~!!!!!!大和:那是甚麼?Yamato:what was that? ................................... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 美達:下一回是......."雲上"Snow:Next time is....."On the cloud"